Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day!

Hey Lovers!
how ya doing this fine day? im doing fine! well who is your crush? why dont you comment your crush! I wont tell I promise! I got lots of stuff from my friends! well goodbye!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

How Cute!

Hey Land Lovers!
     How have you guys been? i've been great! well whats you favorite dog? my favorite dog is a pomerainian! they are so fluffy and cute! I could just sqeeze them to death! did you know that if you hold them the wrong way u can break the'yre hip? also they pee a lot! Its just mom and dad said no! my mom said no because she doesnt want any more animals, considering the facts I have five animals. My dad on the other hand says no because he wants big dogs! oh well i get on soon!